Phone: (+33) 1 69 08 30 18
Research interests
3D visualization of the magnetic confinement scenario
of the tachocline with the ASH code
3D visualization of a magnetized star-planet
interaction with the PLUTO code
- Solar and stellar physics
- Gyrokinetic and magneto-hydrodynamic models
- High Performance Computing
- Star-planet interactions
- Space Weather, Solar flares predictions
- Plasma turbulence
Curriculum Vitae
- Astrophysicist, CEA, 2018-
- Post doctoral researcher, CEA, 2016-2018
- Post doctoral researcher, Université de
Montréal (Canada), 2013-2016
- Ph.D. in Plasma Physics, CEA (Saclay/Cadarache, France) 2009-2012
Manuscript (November 2012): Turbulence,
transport and confinement: from tokamaks to stellar magnetism
- Master's degree in Modelisation and Simulation, INSTN (France), 2009
(selected list, complete list via Google
Scholar or
- Strugarek, et al., On the Sensitivity of Magnetic Cycles in Global Simulations of Solar-like Stars
, The Astrophysical Journal (2018)
- Strugarek, Models of Star-Planet Magnetic Interaction
, The Handbook of Exoplanets (2017)
- Strugarek, et al., The Fate of Close-in Planets: Tidal or Magnetic Migration?
, The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2017)
- Strugarek, et al., Reconciling solar and stellar magnetic cycles with nonlinear dynamo simulations
, Science (2017)
- Strugarek, Assessing Magnetic Torques and Energy Fluxes in Close-in Star-Planet Systems
, The Astrophysical Journal (2016)
- Strugarek, et al., Modelling turbulent stellar convection zones: sub-grid scales effects
, Advances in Space Research (2016)
- Strugarek, et al., Magnetic Games between a Planet and Its Host Star: The Key Role of Topology
, The Astrophysical Journal (2015)
- Strugarek, et al., A Space Weather Mission Concept: Observatories of the Solar Corona and Active Regions (OSCAR)
, Space Weather and Space Climate (2015)
- Strugarek, et al., On the diversity of magnetic interactions in close-in
star-planet systems
, The Astrophysical Journal (2014)
- Strugarek & P Charbonneau, Predictive Capabilities of Avalanche Models for Solar Flares
, Solar Physics (2014)
- Strugarek, et al., Deterministically Driven Avalanche Models of Solar Flares
, Solar Physics, (2014)
- Strugarek et al., Unraveling
quasi-periodic relaxations of transport barriers with
gyrokinetic simulations of tokamak plasmas
, Physical Review letters (2013)
- Strugarek et al., Magnetic
energy cascade in spherical geometry : I. The stellar
convective dynamo case, The Astrophysical Journal (2013)
- Strugarek, A S Brun and J-P Zahn,
Magnetic confinement of the solar tachocline : II. Coupling
to a convection zone,
Astronomy & Astrophysics (2011)
Grants & prizes
Numerical Codes